Big Liquid
The next step in the SSTA spaceshot development program
4/17/2024 Hot-Fire
Partially-Successful, we achieved a perfect ignition but suffered from leaky plumbing, low oxidizer load, and a burn through of the combustion chamber.

Quick facts:
Target Apogee: 70,000-80,000ft AGL
Potential downrange distance: Up to 10 miles
Payload: Soy Sauce Atmospheric Dispersion
Launch Site: Friends of Amateur Rocketry, Mojave, California
Similar to 2022's Redshift we've opted for a "sub-minimum diameter" design, meaning the propellant tank doubles as a section of the airframe and is exposed, with the lower and upper airframes slipping over it.Â
Developed by Jackson Dendy, this Monte-Carlo integration for RocketPy allowed us to complete dispersion analysis of the rocket's landing points for our FAA Class III waiver.