
The Daedalus Storm Project (DSP) is an ongoing software development and integration project to provide accurate Monte Carlo simulation results. This project integrates RocketPy and SSTS and facilitates mean apogee and destination optimization.

Student Space Technology Simulator

SSTS is a software development project to improve the propulsion and flight simulation capabilities of the SSTA. SSTS supports the simulation of SRAD hybrid and liquid rocket engines. The software is implemented in C++ but configured through Python and can easily be integrated with flight simulations. Advanced propulsion features include multi-phase blowdown for propellants such as Nytrox and integrated combustion chemistry models for ease of use. The core functionality is complete but further additions are welcome and encouraged.

Hybrid Rocket Analysis Program

HRAP is an hybrid rocket motor characterization program developed and maintained by Drew Nickel. His project started when he was an undergraduate student at UTK, he is currently a graduate student and a long-time SSTA member turned mentor.

The project is available on GitHub.

Open Rocket Plug-ins

Plug-ins for Open Rocket developed by James Cooper and Thomas Scott. Usage is currently available upon request. Contact or

Fin Flutter Analysis
Google Earth Simulation Plotting


The Development of a Powder-Filled, ABS Matrix for Use as Fuel in a Hybrid Rocket Motor

Teague Aarant, Jared Bass, Timothy Grizzel, Seth Holiday, Matthew McVey, William Putthoff, Agnus Shaw, Peter Tarle, Robert Nickel, Caroline Littel, James Evans Lyne.

August 2019, AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2019 Forum

DOI: 10.2514/6.2019-4417

Research Gate 

HybridMatrixLyneAIAAPaperJuly112019 (1) (1).pdf

The Use of a 3-D Printed, Polymer Matrix Containing Pulverized Fuel in a Hybrid Rocket

James Evans Lyne, Alic Brigham, R. Savery, K. Karcher, J. Pyron, Lance Adams, G. Reagan, Hunter Furches, Daniel Sola, Lazaro Mendez, C. Keck.

July 2018, 2018 Joint Propulsion Conference

DOI: 10.2514/6.2018-4597

Research Gate 

PrintedMatrixFinalAIAA (1).pdf

Development of a Three-Dimensional Printed, Liquid-Cooled Nozzle for a Hybrid Rocket Motor

Nick Quigley, James Evans Lyne.

August 2014, Journal of Propulsion and Power

DOI: 10.2514/1.B35455

Research Gate


Lard Used as a Fuel for Hybrid Rocket Motors 

Daniel Pfeffer

May 2007, Master's Thesis

Lard Used as a Fuel for Hybrid Rocket Motors.pdf

Bio-derived Fuels for Hybrid Rocket Motors 

Joshua Scholes

December 2005, Master's Thesis

Bio-derived Fuels for Hybrid Rocket Motors.pdf

First Steps In The Development And Testing Of Nontoxic, Bioderived Fuels For Hybrid Rocket Motors

James E. Lyne, Viatcheslav I. Naoumov, Josh Scholes, Meghan Dodge, Ben Elton, Paul Wozniak, David Austin, Cliff Combs.

January 2005, 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit

DOI: 10.2514/6.2005-741

Research Gate

First_steps_in_the_Development_and_Testi 2005.pdf